Artists' representation agency
From the foundations of a consolidated agency, Lerín Artísts Management looks to the future to improve every day facing the new challenges that arise in the world of opera. The team that provides the structure to these foundations, does it with a vocation of service, focusing on the personal treatment with artists and programmers, as well as in the realization of a highly professionalized work.
The involvement, empathy and service vocation of the Lerín Artists Management team is focused on the personal attention to the career of the artists they accompany in their vital and professional journey, to give them the necessary support in their development and guide them by helping the programmers to obtain the best artistic result.
Perseverance, hard work -individual and joint-, charisma and professionalism, are the standards that we uphold in our daily development so that the artists with whom we cooperate can offer their best skills in the development of a successful and fruitful career, in accordance with the needs of the lyrical world.
Our disposition towards theaters, auditoriums, festivals and programmers in general, involves advice, promotion and visibility of our artists in our eagerness to help the productions in which our artists participate to obtain the recognition of critics and audiences.
Objectives and results
Lerín Artists Management aims to maintain the leadership space from the first original foundations, to the smallest details of this professional structure. The continuous updating of tools and work processes, the focus on technologies that can help improve our work, and the desire for continuous improvement and advancement in the future in which we find ourselves, aims to maintain this agency in its position as an international reference in the lyric.
Agentes Lerín Artists Agents
Xavier Aragonés
Artist Manager
Víctor Flores
Dpto. Artístico y Administración